
Regular Hours, Summer 2024

Summer Hours: May 13 - July 26, 2024: Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm, 星期五 8:00am - 12:00pm

Posting Information on Campus

This policy is designed to monitor and provide guidelines for distribution and posting of printed 材料, 有序的进行, and presence of political activities, 言论自由活动, and campaigning on Hawkeye 设施.

Hawkeye guarantees freedom of expression provided that such expression does not result in a disruption of the orderly operations of Hawkeye 设施, 项目, 和活动. Hawkeye’s policy is to maximize the opportunity for free discussion and expression while minimizing the potential for disruption of classroom and college/facility activities, and interference with the ability of students to obtain an education. This policy is a companion to the “集会权"和"学生的权利”政策.

1. 定义

  1. 文学—Applies to printed material of any size or type including, 但不限于, 传单, 公告, 广告, 传单, 小册子, 横幅, 海报, 还有名片.

  2. Posting of 文学—Displaying of 文学 on designated bulletin boards located in and on the Hawkeye 校园es and 设施.

  3. Distribution of 文学—文学 which is disseminated or circulated indiscriminately to any persons on the Hawkeye 校园es and 设施. 由靠谱买球app推荐分发, or related parties or agents at Hawkeye’s direction, shall not be considered indiscriminate distribution or circulation.

  4. Commercial 文学—文学 which directs attention to a business, 商品, 服务, 或娱乐.

  5. Registered 俱乐部/组织—Hawkeye student clubs and organizations that are registered by the 学生 Leadership Council and 学生活动 office, in accordance with the procedures described in the Start a Club or Organization policy, and are in active status.

2. Standards for 文学 to be Posted or Distributed

  1. The literature cannot contain tear-off items or strips.

  2. The literature cannot advocate the commission of an unlawful act which is imminent or likely to occur at the time.

  3. The literature or its distribution on 校园 cannot impede the 有序的进行 of college 类 or college/facility activities, 服务, 或操作.

  4. 文学, 材料, or other insignia cannot include expression which is obscene or 诽谤的 according to current legal standards, or which so incites students as to create a clear and present danger or the commission of unlawful acts on the Hawkeye premises, or the substantial disruption of the orderly operation of college/facility activities.

  5. Hawkeye assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the literature.

3. Registered 俱乐部/组织

  1. The literature of Registered 俱乐部/组织 may not endorse or recommend commercial products 或服务.

  2. The literature of Registered 俱乐部/组织 shall meet the same standards as those found appropriate for other student publications and may not be sold.

  3. 文学 posted by Registered 俱乐部/组织 in the classroom must be specifically related to classroom instruction or 批准d college/facility events, which could include rallies and other classroom instruction related events.

  4. Campaign activities for 学生 Leadership Council elections must be in accordance with 学生 Leadership Council qualifications and policies.

4. Commercial 文学 to be Posted or Distributed

  1. Commercial 文学 must concern lawful activity and not be misleading.

  2. Commercial 文学 is restricted to designated public posting areas on 校园.

  3. In order to be able to identify persons who may be responsible for fraud or false advertising, all printed Commercial 文学 posted or distributed on 校园 must have printed thereon the organization/institution/affiliation which is distributing the Commercial 文学 with its address or telephone number clearly stated.

  4. Posting or distribution of Commercial 文学 of any kind is prohibited in classrooms unless directly related to classroom instruction.

  5. Hawkeye does not endorse, 赞助商, 批准, 授权, or regulate any commercial business 商品, 服务, 或娱乐 permitted for posting or distribution.

5. Procedure for Posting of 文学 on Campus

  1. All items of literature for posting must be 提交ted during normal business hours to the 学生活动 office.

  2. The 学生活动 office will review and 批准 or reject the literature based on the regulations and procedures as described in this policy, 两个工作日内, 在可能的情况下.

  3. Approved literature will be posted by the 学生活动 staff on designated bulletin board(s), where requested and as space is available.

  4. 文学 can be posted for a maximum of two weeks per submission. Submissions can be made no more than twice per semester.

6. Procedure for Distribution of 文学 on Campus

  1. All Registered 俱乐部/组织 and/or Hawkeye students wishing to distribute literature on 校园 must register with the 学生活动 office during normal business hours in advance of commencing distribution of literature, and acknowledge receipt of the applicable Recruiter and Vendor/Solicitation Regulations.

  2. Distributors are required to provide the following information: name of Registered Club/Organization or individual, 联系人姓名, and dates and times of distribution.

  3. Any persons who fail to register before distributing literature on 校园 are subject to disciplinary action.

  4. All organizations and/or individuals other than Registered 俱乐部/组织 or Hawkeye students wishing to distribute literature must first apply with the 学生活动 Office at least five business days in advance of commencing distribution of literature. Approval or denial of such parties will be determined based on availability of space.

  5. No distributor shall touch, strike, or impede the progress of a passerby, except for incidental or accidental contact or contact initiated by a passerby.

  6. Persons shall not use any means of amplification that creates noise or diversion that substantially disrupts the 有序的进行 of the college, 校园, 设施, 类, 或者靠谱买球app推荐行动.

  7. All literature discarded in and around the area of distribution must be retrieved by persons distributing the literature, 出发前.

  8. No restrictions shall be placed on subject matters, 主题, 或者表达的观点, as long as it does not include expression which is obscene, 诽谤的, or slanderous according to current legal standards or which so incites students as to create a clear and present danger or the commission of unlawful acts on the community college premises, or the substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the Hawkeye/facility activities.

  9. 时间的规定, place and manner of 言论自由活动 may be imposed for the purpose of preventing substantial disruption of the 有序的进行 of college 类, Hawkeye/facility 项目, 或服务. Such regulation must be reasonable and not discriminate on the basis of the content of the speech.

Nothing in this policy shall prohibit the regulation of hate violence directed at students or employees in a manner that denies their full participation in the educational process, so long as the regulation conforms to the requirements of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and the laws and Constitution of the State of Iowa. Disciplinary action will be imposed for harassment, 威胁, or intimidation unless such speech is constitutionally protected.



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Regular Hours — Summer 2024

2024年5月13日- 7月26日
Monday-Thursday 7:30am-3:00pm
星期五 7:30am-12:00pm

If 校园 is closed, the 布鲁克学生中心 is also closed. This includes weather-related closings. See scheduled college closings.

Regular Hours — Fall 2024

July 29 – December 20, 2024
Monday-Thursday 7:30am-4:30pm
星期五 7:30am-3:30pm